Submission of Full-Texts

The deadline of full-text submission is June 30, 2017. Please submit your full-texts to conference e-mail address:
Presenting in the conference and submitting full-text does not guarantee acceptance of publication. Full-texts will be assessed by the referees and confirmed papers will be published accordingly.

The guidelines for full-texts are as follows:

Paper: Paper Type: Paper type should be A4 (210*297mm) Paper margins should be Bottom: 2.5 cm Top: 2.5 cm Right: 2.5 cm and left: 2.5 cm

Turkish Topics: Turkish Topic should centred at the top. It should be in times new roman and 16 font size. The title should be in capital letters. The title paragraph settings should be First :6 nk- Later :6 nk, Paragraph spacing : 1,5 line

English Topics:The english title should be written in Times New Roman and in 16 font size when giving a line space after Jell code . English Title must be in capital letters. Paragraph setting should be First: 6nk later: 6 nk Paragraph spacing: 1.5 line

Author(s): The author(s) name and surname must be in times new roman format and 12 font size under the title. Only the first letter of author’s name must be in capital letter but all letters of author’s surname must be in capital letters. Author(s) name and surname must be centered and only one author’s name should be present each line. Footnote should be given after author’s surname and there must be author’s title, institution ,e-mail respectively in a footnote.

Text: It must be in times new-roman and 12 font size

Tables and:figures: Must be in bold letters, 12 font size and must be enumerated by arabic numbers. After Arabic numbers the title of table/figure must be given

If your manuscript includes images/figures produced by others which may be protected by copyright. Please seek suitable permissions and provide permission letters/correspondence indicating permission or remove them from your manuscript.

Please make sure that all tables and figures that are not author’s own work are free from copyright issues, their source is cited and that are readable.

References must be given according to the Harvard style.

Submitted full-texts that were not prepared in accordance with the guidelines will not be assessed.




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International Conference On Economics, Business Management and Social Sciences